Command/CVAR | Mod | Mode | Description |
-activate | ETMain | Client | Stops issuing +activate command, stop opening doors etc |
-attack | ETMain | Client | Stops issuing command to attack |
-attack2 | ETMain | Client | Stop issuing command to perform secondary attack |
-back | ETMain | Client | Stop issuing command to move backwards |
-button1 | ETMain | Client | Stops issuing +button1 command |
-button4 | ETMain | Client | Stops issuing +button4 command |
-forward | ETMain | Client | Stop issuing command to move forwards |
-leanleft | ETMain | Client | Stop issuing command to lean to the left |
-leanright | ETMain | Client | Stop issuing command to lean to the right |
-left | ETMain | Client | Stop issuing command to look further to the left |
-lookdown | ETMain | Client | Stop issuing command to look further downwards |
-lookup | ETMain | Client | Stop issuing command to look further upwards |
-mlook | ETMain | Client | Stop +mlook (mouselook), go back to mouse-movement |
-movedown | ETMain | Client | Stop issing command to crouch |
-moveleft | ETMain | Client | Stop issuing command to strafe left |
-moveright | ETMain | Client | Stop issuing command to strafe right |
-moveup | ETMain | Client | Stop issuing command to jump |
-prone | ETMain | Client | Stop issuing command to go prone |
-reload | ETMain | Client | Stops issuing reload command |
-right | ETMain | Client | Stops issuing look right command |
-salute | ETMain | Client | Stops issuing salute command |
-speed | ETMain | Client | Stops issuing walk/run command |
-sprint | ETMain | Client | Stops issuing sprint command |
-strafe | ETMain | Client | Stops issuing strafe command |
-useitem | ETMain | Client | Stops issuing useitem command |
-zoom | ETMain | Client | Stops issuing zoom command |
+activate | ETMain | Client | Performs various actions like opening doors, picking up weapons. |
+attack | ETMain | Client | Fires weapon, or uses the weaponbank object currently selected. |
+attack2 | ETMain | Client | Secondary firing mode? |
+back | ETMain | Client | Move backwards |
+button1 | ETMain | Client | Puts you into state similar to when console is open ? cant move, bulb above head. |
+button4 | ETMain | Client | Unknown. Found: ?fixed +button4 not causing footsteps” (Carmack Q3A .plan) |
+forward | ETMain | Client | Move forwards |
+leanleft | ETMain | Client | Leans to the left |
+leanright | ETMain | Client | Leans to the right |
+left | ETMain | Client | Look left |
+lookdown | ETMain | Client | Looks downwards (disabled in ETPro >3.1.13) |
+lookup | ETMain | Client | Looks upwards (disabled in ETPro >3.1.13) |
+mlook | ETMain | Client | Toggles mouselook |
+movedown | ETMain | Client | Move downwards, crouch |
+moveleft | ETMain | Client | Strafe/sidestep to the left |
+moveright | ETMain | Client | Strafe/sidestep to the right |
+moveup | ETMain | Client | Move up, i.e. Jump |
+prone | ETMain | Client | Go prone, lie down. |
+reload | ETMain | Client | Reload weapon |
+right | ETMain | Client | Look left |
+salute | ETMain | Client | When you have a server, you can drag bodies when they wait for a medic |
+speed | ETMain | Client | Toggle walk/run (depending on what AlwaysRun is set to) |
+sprint | ETMain | Client | Sprint, run fast draining stanima bar |
+stats | ETMain | Client | Popup box showing the stats of the player (you, or the guy you’re spectating) |
+strafe | ETMain | Client | When holding this and +left or +right the movement will be strafe instead of look |
+topshots | ETMain | Client | Popup box showing the players with the best hit:miss for each weapon |
+useitem | ETMain | Client | Nothing? |
+zoom | ETMain | Client | Use binoculars |
activeAction | ETMain | Client | Perform the specified when joining server? |
addbot | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
addfavorite | ETMain | Client | For adding a server to favourites (server browser) |
Arch | ETMain | Client | Stores the OS, non-user |
auth_rconPassword | ETMain | ||
auth_refereePassword | ETMain | ||
AuthLevel | ETMain | Server | Possibly differentiates between console and remote console? |
autoRecord | ETMain | Client | Records a demo with descriptive filename |
autoScreenshot | ETMain | Client | Takes screenshot, JPG, descriptive filename |
b_altHud | ETPro | Client | Sets which ETPro alternative HUD design to use, (0, 1 or 2) pics, more |
b_altHudFlags | ETPro | Client | If b_altHud is 1/ 2; 1 = move roundtimer, 2 = hide rank, 4= move messages. pics |
b_anticheat | ETPro | Server | Toggles ETPro’s anticheat (IAC) |
b_antilag | ETPro | Client | Set your antilag: 0 = none, 1 = Neil Toronto’s antilag, 2 = ETMain |
b_antiwarp | ETPro | Server | Toggles code which prevents players ‘warping’ |
b_backupcvars | ETPro | Client | Wether to save a file of the original value of cvars changed via sv_cvar restrictions |
b_bannerlocation | ETPro | Server | Location of the text banners (detail) |
b_bannern | ETPro | Server | Use for specifying the text of each banner (detail) |
b_banners | ETPro | Server | Specifies number of server banners, see (detail) |
b_bannertime | ETPro | Server | Duration each banner is shown for (detail) |
b_beginround | ETPro | Client | Assign commands to this and they will be automatically executed at start of new round. See also b_endround. |
b_brokenlogtimestamps | ETPro | Server | Only to be used where required for certain logfile analysers. |
b_campaignFile | ETPro | Server | Sets name for a campaign file, more info. |
b_chargetransfer | ETPro | Server | 0 = disallow use of mines to transfer charge between players or ‘store charge’ (exploit) |
b_chatAlpha | ETPro | Client | The alpha (transparency) of the background of chat text |
b_chatFlags | ETPro | Client | Toggles the team flag on chat text |
b_chatsounds | ETPro | Client | Toggles playing a radio-crackle noise when there is a team or global chat. |
b_cheatkicktime | ETPro | Server | Duration of auto-kick for IAC cheater detections |
b_cheatlog | ETPro | Server | Set name of IAC log (ETPro anticheat) |
b_cmdwarnings | ETPro | Client | Toggle warnings about trickjump |
b_cursefilter | ETPro | Server | Sets which words to filter out |
b_cursefilteraction | ETPro | Server | Action to take with filtered words: 1- remove word, 2- ****, 3- filter message |
b_customVoiceChat | ETPro | Server | Toggles allowing clients to use ?custom” voice chat. Not custom audio pak tho. |
b_cvarempty | ETPro | Server | Resets all ET Pro cvars to their defaults (source) |
b_cvarlist | ETPro | Client | Displays ETPro cvars in console |
b_damagexp | ETPro | Server | XP system: 1= 1 XP per 50hp of damage + 1 XP per kill; 0 = ETMain system. |
b_debugfakebmodel | ETPro | ?allows debugging scripted spawned brushes” | |
b_debuglocations | ETPro | Client | For debugging the location name stuff. (Bitflag? Values 1,2,4, 8,16) [c] |
b_defaultbantime | ETPro | Server | Time in seconds for bans without explicitly defined ban time (default 300) |
b_defaultskills | ETPro | Server | Sets the skill levels player’s automatically receive (detail) |
b_demo_autotimescale | ETPro | Client | For use with demo system (especially when making fragmovies) ? |
b_demo_autotimescaleweapons | ETPro | Client | For use with demo system (especially when making fragmovies) ? |
b_demo_drawspectatormessages | ETPro | Client | For disabling spectator etc text in demo playback |
b_demo_dynamitecam | ETPro | Client | Attaches camera to dynamite during demo playback (& ETTV?) |
b_demo_dynamitecounter | ETPro | Client | Puts a countdown timer onto planted dynamite in demo playback (& ETTV?) |
b_demo_followxDistance | ETPro | Client | Distance of camera when following missiles, x-axis |
b_demo_followyDistance | ETPro | Client | Distance of camera when following missiles, y-axis |
b_demo_followzDistance | ETPro | Client | Distance of camera when following missiles, z-axis |
b_demo_freecamspeed | ETPro | Client | For use with demo system (especially when making fragmovies) ? |
b_demo_grenadecam | ETPro | Client | Attaches camera to grenades during demo playback (& ETTV?) 1=frag 2=all nades |
b_demo_lookat | ETPro | Client | Select a player to watch in a demo, use b_demo_nametags for client number? |
b_demo_mortarcam | ETPro | Client | Attaches camera to mortars during demo playback (& ETTV?) |
b_demo_nametags | ETPro | Client | Toggles all players having names above them in demo playback (& on ETTV?) |
b_demo_nopitch | ETPro | Client | Toggles camera pitching when attached to missiles (demoplayback & ETTV? Only) |
b_demo_panzercam | ETPro | Client | Attaches camera to panzers during demo playback (freecam demo/ETTV? Only) |
b_demo_pitchturnspeed | ETPro | Client | Pitch speed when using +freecam_ commands (freecam demo/ETTV? Only) |
b_demo_playersprites | ETPro | Client | Sprite graphic above players (demo & ETTV? Only) |
b_demo_pvshint | ETPro | Client | Draws line from camera to player who recorded the demo, demoplayback only |
b_demo_rollspeed | ETPro | Client | Roll speed when using +freecam_ commands (freecam demo playback/ETTV? Only) |
b_demo_teamonlymissilecam | ETPro | Client | Toggle only following missiles from your own team (freecam demo/ETTV? Only) |
b_demo_yawturnspeed | ETPro | Client | Yaw speed when using +freecam_ commands (freecam demo playback/ETTV? Only) |
b_demorecord_statusline | ETPro | Client | For moving up/down the demo-recording status line on HUD (Obsolite 3.1.12+) |
b_descriptiveTextscale | ETPro | Client | Size/scale of descriptive text (Limbo HUD)? |
b_distanceFallOff | ETPro | Server | Wether bullets lose some of their hitpoint damage inflicted over long range |
b_drawclock | ETPro | Client | Toggles display of the clock (actual time) on the HUD |
b_drawPromotions | ETPro | Client | Wether to give popup notification when you get a rank promotion |
b_drawranks | ETPro | Client | Toggles displaying ranks on the crosshair name popup |
b_drawRewards | ETPro | Client | Wether to display a text & audio notification when you get a skills increase |
b_drawspectatoralpha | ETPro | Client | Sets alpha transparency of spectator HUD text (at the bottom of screen when spectating) |
b_drawspectatorteamflags | ETPro | Client | Toggles a team flag beside the player’s name on HUD when you are spectating them |
b_drawspeed | ETPro | Client | Player speed display on the HUD, for trickjumping. Requires cg_lagometer 0? |
b_emptyScript | ETPro | Server | Assign name of script to execute when server becomes empty |
b_endround | ETPro | Client | Assign commands to this and they will be automatically executed at round end. See also b_beginround. |
b_ettv_flags | ETPro | Server | For ETTV ‘master’ server. 1 disallows slaves to be kicked, 2 gives ETTV slaves shoutcaster status, 3 does both. |
b_fallingbugfix | ETPro | Server | Toggles the fall damage bugfix (dying after falling from small height) |
b_fireteamAlpha | ETPro | Client | The alpha (transparency) of the Fireteam HUD display |
b_fireteamLatchedClass | ETPro | Client | Toggle showing latched playerclass instead of rank (fireteam hud display) |
b_fixedphysics | ETPro | Server | For making player’s FPS not affect player physics. detail. |
b_fixedphysicsfps | ETPro | Server | Sets the FPS equivalent for physics when b_fixedphsyicsfps is 1 detail. |
b_floodMaxCommands | ETPro | Server | Makes the client only be able to send the specified number of rate-limited commands per 30 seconds. To protect server from flooding. |
b_flushitems | ETPro | Server | Makes dropped items like paks lay ?flush” to the ground they land on (same angle). |
b_goatsound | ETPro | Client | Wether to play the goat noise on knife kills |
b_headshot | ETPro | Server | For ETPro headshot mode, (0 off, 1 headshot only, 2 instagib, 4 clients can only damage clients, 8 clients only receive damage from clients [bitflag variable]) |
b_helmetprotection | ETPro | Server | Wether damage is reduced for the first headshot received |
b_hitsounds | ETPro | Client | Toggles playing a noise when your bullets hit, 0=none, 1=all hits 2=headshots only |
b_hudYoffset | ETPro | Client | Moves the HUD on the Y (vertical) axis of the screen |
b_instagibDamage | ETPro | Server | Damage done when b_headshot mode’s instagib is enabled |
b_intermissiontime | ETPro | Server | Duration the scoresheet is shown for |
b_intreadypercent | ETPro | Server | % of clients ?ready” to skip intermission countdown and continue to the next map. |
b_lagometerAlpha | ETPro | Client | The alpha (transparency) of the lagometer HUD display |
b_levels_battlesense | ETPro | Server | Sets the XP requirements to trigger Levelups for the battlesense skill (detail) |
b_levels_covertops | ETPro | Server | Sets the XP requirements to trigger Levelups for CovOps skills (detail) |
b_levels_engineer | ETPro | Server | Sets the XP requirements to trigger Levelups for Engineer skills (detail) |
b_levels_fieldops | ETPro | Server | Sets the XP requirements to trigger Levelups for FieldOps skills (detail) |
b_levels_lightweapons | ETPro | Server | Sets the XP requirements to trigger Levelups for the Lightweapons skill (detail) |
b_levels_medic | ETPro | Server | Sets the XP requirements to trigger Levelups for Medics skills (detail) |
b_levels_soldier | ETPro | Server | Sets the XP requirements to trigger Levelups for Soldier skills (detail) |
b_locationMode | ETPro | Client | Sets the mode used for locationnames. (values 0 to 8) |
b_locationMaxChars | ETPro | Client | Max number of characters for location name in the Fireteam HUD table, if enabled |
b_locationJustify | ETPro | Client | Alignment of location names in Fireteam HUD table (-1=left&pad 0=left 1=right&pad) |
b_logbanners | ETPro | Client | Toggles server banners also appearing in your console |
b_logrealtimestamps | ETPro | Server | Toggles logfiles using actual time or relative time |
b_mapconfigdirectory | ETPro | Both | Sets folder name to look for map-specific cfg config files |
b_mapscriptdirectory | ETPro | Server | Sets folder name for map .script files. |
b_mapzoom | ETPro | Client | Sets the level of zoom for the compass in HUD. |
b_match_warmupjoin | ETPro | Server | Toggles clients being able to join teams during warmups |
b_maxMortarPitch | ETPro | Server | Allows server to limit the effect of the ground’s slope on mortar deployment |
b_moverscale | ETPro | Server | Multiplier for the speed of map ?movers” (e.g. Vehicles) |
b_multiview | ETPro | Server | Toggles allowing MultiView functionality, which consumes more resources and bandwidth |
b_muzzleflash | ETPro | Client | Toggles the weapon ‘fire’ being displayed |
b_noactivatelean | ETPro | Client | Toggles +activate invoking leaning when also pressing a strafe key. |
b_noskillupgrades | ETPro | Server | Disables skills upgrades, i.e. The ?skill” improvement rewards from the XP system |
b_numPopups | ETPro | Client | Sets the number of ‘popups’ on the HUD, (-1 to n; where -1=default, 0=none, n=number of popups). |
b_optimizePrediction | ETPro | Client | Should improve performance. See here |
b_panzerhack | ETPro | Client | Toggles putting the PF player’s SMG in weaponbank 2 when it is awarded via XP. |
b_panzerlevelup1 | ETPro | Server | Toggles the alternate panzer levelling up system re: Improved Projectile Resources |
b_popupFadeTime | ETPro | Client | Time it takes for popups to fade (1000 = 1 second) |
b_popupStayTime | ETPro | Client | Duration popups remain on screen beforestarting to fade away (1000 = 1 second) |
b_popupTime | ETPro | Client | Delay between the event and it’s popup being displayed (1000 = 1 second) |
b_predefineddemokeys | ETPro | Client | Wether to always use the predefined demo control keys when replaying a demo |
b_privatemessages | ETPro | Server | Minimum number of characters for name matching for private messages. A value of 0 disables private messaging entirely. (source) |
b_pronedelay | ETPro | Server | Implements a delay in the client’s proning action |
b_realhead | ETPro | Server | Toggles the corrected headbox code. Settings other than 0/1 are for debugging. |
b_riflegrenades | ETPro | Server | Toggles allowing or disallowing any riflegrenades, see also team_maxriflegrenades |
b_semiAdminLevels | ETPro | Server | Sets number of SemiAdmin levels (detail) |
b_semiAdminPassn | ETPro | Server | Sets the rquired password for clients to become semiAdmin. Diff pass required for each b_semiadminlevels |
b_semiadmincmdsn | ETPro | Server | Sets the commands available for each semiAdmin level |
b_shoutcastpassword | ETPro | Server | Sets password required for special spectator class |
b_shove | ETPro | Server | How strong shoves are, 80 default, 0 = disabled |
b_shove_noz | ETPro | Server | Disables the ?shove” working vertically |
b_shovesounds | ETPro | Client | Togggles playing a noise on player’s being shoved |
b_showClientCmds | ETPro | Server | Toggles logging all commands client sends to server. Mostly for logfile analysers |
b_shrug | ETPro | Server | Toggle disabling the /shrug sillyness |
b_simpleitems | ETPro | Client | Turns dropped items (paks, weapons etc) into basic 2d images |
b_spectatorNames | ETPro | Server | Wether spectators (2) or Refs (1) see the name ?popup” on crosshairs (0,1,2) |
b_speedinterval | ETPro | Client | Frequency of updating the speed shown on the HUD (b_drawspeed) |
b_speedunit | ETPro | Client | Unit used for the speed display on HUD |
b_statsaver | ETPro | Server | Wether client’s XP and stats are restored if they exit then return to the server |
b_stickycharge | ETPro | Server | Clients’ powerbar refills completely (0) or gradually after suicide (1)/any death (2). |
b_sv_hitsounds | ETPro | Server | Toggle allowing hitsounds |
b_textcolorfilter | ETPro | Client | Can be set to filter out certain colours from text. b_textcolorfilter “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxzy1234567890!@#$%&*()-_=+[{]}\|:'<.>/?” |
b_tjg_ghostfx | ETPro | Client | Effects for ?ghosts” in trickjump mode (0,1,2,3,4) |
b_tjl_color | ETPro | Client | Colour of trickjump line |
b_tjl_draw | ETPro | Client | When in trickjump mode, this toggles drawing trickjump lines |
b_tjl_quickslot | ETPro | Client | Trickjumping? |
b_tjl_showmaxspeed | ETPro | Client | Shows the max speed on trickjump line |
b_tjl_stepsize. | ETPro | Client | Distance between two points on trickjump line |
b_tjl_stoponnomove | ETPro | Client | Stop drawing trickjump lines when you stop moving |
b_tracers | ETPro | Client | 0 = draw no bullet tracers, 1 = normal tracers, 2 = only other player’s tracers ? |
b_votetextscale | ETPro | Client | Size/scale of the vote text |
b_watermark | ETPro | Server | Specify location of the watermark file, if you use one. Automatically prepends watermark/ ! |
b_watermarkAlpha | ETPro | Client | The alpha (transparency) of the watermark HUD display, if the server has one. |
b_watermarkFadeAfter | ETPro | Server | Duration before the watermark starts to fade away |
b_watermarkFadeTime | ETPro | Server | Duration the watermark image takes to actually fade away |
b_weapaltReloads | ETPro | Client | Toggles weapalt reloading |
b_wolfrof | ETPro | Server | Make the SMG rate of fire equal that of RTCW’s Thompson (much faster) |
b_xpstopwatch | ETPro | Server | Toggle for making XP remain over stopwatch rounds, XP gained in first round remains in the concluding round. |
bind | ETMain | Client | Used for assigning keys to actions. Bind x ?weaponbank 3″ |
bindlist | ETMain | Client | Displays list of cvars in console |
bot_debug | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bot_developer | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bot_enable | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bot_fastchat | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bot_grapple | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bot_groundonly | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bot_minplayers | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bot_nochat | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bot_norcd | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bot_reachability | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bot_reloadcharacters | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bot_rocketjump | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bot_testichat | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bot_testrchat | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bot_thinktime | ETMain | Server | N/A, Q3 relic |
bottomshots | ETMain | Client | Displays the worst aimers |
Bp | ETPro | Server | Sends text to all clients to be displayed in the banner area. (source). bp text |
buyNow | ETMain | Client | Relic, execution is unadvised [removed in 1.03] |
cache_endgather | ETMain | Both | Non-user? Non-reccommended anyway |
cache_mapchange | ETMain | Both | Non-user? Non-reccommended anyway |
cache_setindex | ETMain | Both | Non-user? Non-reccommended anyway |
cache_startgather | ETMain | Both | Non-user? Non-reccommended anyway |
cache_usedfile | ETMain | Both | Non-user? Non-reccommended anyway |
callvote | ETMain | Client | Used for starting votes, if you dont want to use the menus |
Cancelvote | ETPro | Server | Cancel any vote in progress. Can be used with RCON and REF? See also passvote |
camera | ETPro | Client | Runs scripted cameras, ?” files [C]. 3 provided: /camera railgun03 |
campaign | ETMain | Server | Used for setting the campaign to be played |
cf_wstats | ETMain | Client | ?Specifies the font scale of the +wstats window” (Rhea). Deliberately broken? |
cf_wtopshots | ETMain | Client | ?Specifies the font scale of the +wtopshots window” (Rhea). Deliberately broken? |
cg_animspeed | ETMain | Client | ?toggle linear interpolation between successive frames in a player animation” (source unknown) [c] |
cg_announcer | ETMain | Client | Toggles the announcer voice on map start (?FIGHT!”), win (Allies win!) etc |
cg_atmosphericEffects | ETMain | Client | Toggles display of map effects like rain and snow |
cg_autoAction | ETMain | Client | Gives a variety of functions to always perform (demos, stats and logging) |
cg_autoactivate | ETMain | Client | Toggles automatically picking up items (paks, weapons etc) |
cg_autoReload | ETMain | Client | Toggles automatically reloading weapon when clip becomes empty |
cg_autoswitch | ETMain | Client | Toggles automatically chaning weapon when current one is out of ammo |
cg_blinktime | ETMain | Client | Duration of ?blink” blackout when taking damage? 1000 = 1 second |
cg_bloodDamageBlend | ETMain | Client | Amount of blood flashed on screen when you take damage. Also cg_bloodFlash |
cg_bloodFlash | ETMain | Client | Toggles the blood effect when you are shot |
cg_bloodTime | ETMain | Client | Duration of blood puddle effect on walls/floor etc |
cg_bobpitch | ETMain | Client | Sets extent of the bob pitch (forwards/backwards) effect when moving |
cg_bobroll | ETMain | Client | Sets extent of the bob roll (left/right) effect when moving |
cg_bobup | ETMain | Client | Sets extent of the vertical ?bob” effect when moving |
cg_bobyaw | ETMain | Client | Sets extent of the ?bob” yaw (turn left/right) effect when moving |
cg_botMenuType | ETMain | Relic/obsolete? | |
cg_brassTime | ETMain | Client | Sets the duration ejected bullet shells etc last for |
cg_cameraOrbit | ETMain | Client | Associated with camera spinning around when you’re dead? [C] |
cg_cameraOrbitDelay | ETMain | Client | Associated with camera spinning around when you’re dead? [C] |
cg_centertime | ETMain | Client | Duration of centerprint popups [C] |
cg_clipboardName | ETMain | Client | Used internally i think, non-user. |
cg_complaintPopUp | ETMain | Client | Toggles wether to show the popup about filing complaints after a TK |
cg_coronafardist | ETMain | Client | Either the size or cull distance of corona effect |
cg_coronas | ETMain | Client | Toggles the corona effect around lights |
cg_crosshairAlpha | ETMain | Client | Sets the transparency of the crosshair |
cg_crosshairAlphaAlt | ETMain | Client | Sets the transparency of the secondary crosshair |
cg_crosshairColor | ETMain | Client | Sets the colour of the crosshair |
cg_crosshairColorAltWhite | ETMain | Client | Sets the colour of the secondary crosshair, usually the surrounding part |
cg_crosshairHealth | ETMain | Client | Toggles crosshair changing colour to indicate your health |
cg_crosshairPulse | ETMain | Client | Toggles the crosshair changing size according to bullet spread |
cg_crosshairSize | ETMain | Client | Size/scale of the crosshair |
cg_crosshairX | ETMain | Client | Move crosshair on x axis (left/right) |
cg_crosshairY | ETMain | Client | Move crosshair on y axis (up/down) |
Command/CVAR | Mod | Mode | Description |
cg_cursorHints | ETMain | Client | Toggles displaying action hint icons when near interactive objects |
cg_cycleAllWeaps | ETMain | Client | Include non-weapon items when scrolling with weapnext (mousewheel)? |
cg_debuganim | ETMain | Client | At 1, spams console with the animations as they are sctivated [c] |
cg_debugevents | ETMain | Client | Spams console with ?events” – which appears to be sounds played? Probably coincidence [c] |
cg_debugposition | ETMain | Client | [c] |
cg_debugSkills | ETMain | Client | [c] |
cg_deferPlayers | ETMain | Client | Toggle only loading models at convenient times. Obsolite in ET? |
cg_descriptiveText | ETMain | Client | Toggles the display of ?you killed xxxx” ? Doesnt work if so |
cg_draw2D | ETMain | Client | Toggles all 2D items ? the HUD display [C except with ETPro and/or 1.03] |
cg_drawBuddies | ETMain | Client | Toggle showing the icon above players in your fireteam |
cg_drawCompass | ETMain | Client | Toggles displaying the compass on the HUD |
cg_drawCrosshair | ETMain | Client | Sets which crosshair to use |
cg_drawCrosshairNames | ETMain | Client | Wether to draw the names of players when crosshair is on them |
cg_drawCrosshairPickups | ETMain | Client | Supposed to toggle a hand icon when crosshair is over items you can pick up. See cg_cursorHints |
cg_drawFireteamOverlay | ETMain | Client | Toggles the Fireteam overlay on the HUD |
cg_drawFPS | ETMain | Client | Toggles a FPS counter on the HUD. ETPro adds further options. |
cg_drawGun | ETMain | Client | Toggles displaying your weapon |
cg_drawNotifyText | ETMain | Client | Toggles displaying ‘notification’ text on the HUD. Or doesnt. |
cg_drawReinforcementTime | ETMain | Client | Toggles displaying your teams’ respawn timer on the HUD |
cg_drawRoundTimer | ETMain | Client | Toggles a countdown of the time left for the current map |
cg_drawSmallPopupIcons | ETMain | Client | Show smaller popup messages (e.g. Death messages) [ET 1.02] |
cg_drawSnapshot | ETMain | Client | Toggle a display showing snapshot counter |
cg_drawSpreadScale | ETMain | Client | Supposed to show crosshair changing relevant to spread. Now cg_crosshairpulse? |
cg_drawStatus | ETMain | Client | The alpha (transparency) of the watermark HUD display, if the server has one. |
cg_drawTeamOverlay | ETMain | Client | RTCW relic? Toggled size/info shown in something akin to fireteam HUD item |
cg_drawWeaponIconFlash | ETMain | Client | Flashes the weapon’s icon on certain events |
cg_enableBreath | ETMain | Client | Toggles ‘breath’ mist from player’s being drawn? |
cg_errordecay | ETMain | Client | Supposed to decay prediction errors over several frames instead of correcting in one jerk. |
cg_etVersion | ETMain | Both | Stores the version of ET being used? Non-user |
cg_fastSolids | ETMain | ||
cg_footsteps | ETMain | Client | Toggles the sound of footsteps [c] |
cg_fov | ETMain | Client | Sets the player’s Field of View |
cg_gibs | ETMain | Client | Toggles gibbage from splatted bodies. RTCW relic? Returns in ETPro |
cg_gun_frame | ETMain | Client | Presumably for testing each frame of weapon animations? |
cg_gunX | ETMain | Client | For moving your gun about onscreen [c] |
cg_gunY | ETMain | Client | For moving your gun about onscreen [c] |
cg_gunZ | ETMain | Client | For moving your gun about onscreen [c] |
cg_hudalpha | ETMain | Client | Alpha (transparency) of the HUD display. RTCW relic? |
cg_ignore | ETMain | Client | Assumed to be ‘cheat’ for making AI not notice you, in which case it’s relic/obsolite |
cg_instanttapout | ETMain | Client | Go instantly to limbo, do not wait for medics |
cg_lagometer | ETMain | Client | Toggles a connection-related display on the HUD |
cg_letterbox | ETMain | Client | Widescreen ? a cinematic effect rather than for displays with non 1.333:1 ratios |
cg_marktime | ETMain | Client | Duration of bullet marks on walls etc |
cg_messagePlayer | ETMain | Client | Assumed to be used internally for messages/chats ? |
cg_messagePlayerName | ETMain | Client | Assumed to be used internally for messages/chats ? |
cg_messageType | ETMain | Client | Assumed to be used internally for messages/chats ? |
cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch | ETMain | Client | Toggles wether to change weapon when it is out of ammo |
cg_noplayeranims | ETMain | Client | Toggle animation of players [c] |
cg_nopredict | ETMain | Client | Toggle clientside prediction. NOT same as cl_timenudge |
cg_norender | ETMain | Client | If 1, ET wont render anything. Probably not useful tweak ;) |
cg_noTaunt | ETMain | Client | Q3 relic, instead see cg_noVoiceChats and cg_noVoiceText |
cg_noVoiceChats | ETMain | Client | Toggles the audio of voice chats |
cg_noVoiceText | ETMain | Client | Toggles displaying the text of voice chats |
cg_popupLimboMenu | ETMain | Client | Toggles automatically popping up limbo menu on tapout? Obsolite? |
cg_predictItems | ETMain | Client | Toggle use of prediction for picking up items. |
cg_printObjectiveInfo | ETMain | Client | Toggle displaying popup message on objective activity, ?east radar parts returned” |
cg_quickMessageAlt | ETMain | Client | Sets wether voice chat system uses numbers (1) or apha (letters, 0) |
cg_railTrailTime | ETMain | Client | Duration bullet ‘trails’ last for with g_debugBullets. |
cg_recoilPitch | ETMain | Client | Reduces recoil? Actually seems to have no effect |
cg_recording_statusline | ETMain | Client | Move the demo recording text around, 0 to remove. |
cg_runpitch | ETMain | Client | See cg_bobpitch, runpitch appears to be Q3 relic? |
cg_runroll | ETMain | Client | See cg_bobpitch, runroll appears to be Q3 relic? |
cg_selectedPlayer | ETMain | Client | Select a player? Presumably with /cg_selectedplayer |
cg_selectedPlayerName | ETMain | Client | Select a player? Presumably with /cg_selectedplayername |
cg_shadows | ETMain | Client | Toggles display of player model shadows |
cg_showblood | ETMain | Client | Toggles showing blood spurt effect when player’s are shot? |
cg_showmiss | ETMain | Client | Shows info in console of missed predictions? |
cg_skybox | ETMain | Client | Toggles the skybox (different to r_fastsky) [C] |
cg_specHelp | ETMain | Client | Toggle displaying spectator help (but actually does nothing to mine?) |
cg_specSwing | ETMain | Client | ?change: removed cg_specSwing (did _nothing_)” (ETPro changelog) |
cg_stats | ETMain | Client | Shows the frame number in console (cg.clientframe) |
cg_stereoSeparation | ETMain | Client | Supposed to set the stereo seperation ? how far apart the red & green is? ? so higher values increases the 3D depth perception. See r_stereo |
cg_swingSpeed | ETMain | Client | Speed the player model animation turns, after the player turns [C] |
cg_teamChatHeight | ETMain | Client | Number of rows of (team?) chats |
cg_teamChatsOnly | ETMain | Client | Toggles only displaying chats from teammates |
cg_teamChatTime | ETMain | Client | Duration (team?) chatsare displayed for |
cg_thirdPerson | ETMain | Client | Enables third-person perspective [C] |
cg_thirdPersonAngle | ETMain | Client | Angle from player when in third person, see cg_thirdPerson |
cg_thirdPersonRange | ETMain | Client | Distance from player when in third person, see cg_thirdPerson |
cg_tracerchance | ETMain | Client | Likelihood of bullet tracers [C] |
cg_tracerlength | ETMain | Client | Length of bullet tracers [C] |
cg_tracerSpeed | ETMain | Client | Speed of bullet tracers [C] |
cg_tracerwidth | ETMain | Client | Width of bullet tracers [C] |
cg_ui_voteFlags | ETMain | Client | Seems to store the voteFlags value of the server you’re connected to, presumably in order to display the voting options screen appropriately? |
cg_uinfo | ETMain | Client | Stores flag values which correspond to several settings. Sent to server on connect or change – assumption is it relates to the server-client type of engine (possibly problems with this cvar is what results in the autoactivate bugs and so on). Thanks Forbidden Ninjas. |
cg_useScreenshotJPEG | ETMain | Client | Wether autoScreenshot’s are of the JPEG or TGA format |
cg_useWeapsForZoom | ETMain | Client | weapnext & weapprev keys zoom in/out for zoom weapons. 0=off, 1=on, 2=inverse. |
cg_viewsize | ETMain | Client | Supposed to be for setting the % of screen actually displaying rendered game. Might have been useful for using a lower-res ET while using a native resolution on TFT screens, but doesnt seem to work for me. |
cg_voiceSpriteTime | ETMain | Client | Duration of the ! Vsay indicator sprite above player heads. 1000 = 1 sec |
cg_weaponcycledelay | ETMain | Client | Delay between accepting a new weapon has been selected, due to mousewheel errors |
cg_wolfparticles | ETMain | Client | Toggles display of particle effects ? e.g. Explosions, some smoke effects. |
cg_zoomDefaultBinoc | ETMain | Client | Initial zoom with binocular (actually functionless?) |
cg_zoomDefaultFG | ETMain | Client | Initial zoom with FG (actually functionless?) |
cg_zoomDefaultSniper | ETMain | Client | Initial zoom with sniper & binocular, 4 = fully in, 20 = fully out |
cg_zoomDefaultSnooper | ETMain | Client | Initial zoom with snooper rifle (actually functionless?) |
cg_zoomfov | ETMain | Client | Field of view when zoomed (actually functionless?) |
cg_zoomStepBinoc | ETMain | Client | Rate of change when zoomin/zoomout with binocular (actually functionless?) |
cg_zoomStepFG | ETMain | Client | Rate of change when zoomin/zoomout with FG (actually functionless?) |
cg_zoomstepsniper | ETMain | Client | 16/n = how many steps of incremental zoomin/zoomout for both binoc and sniper. |
cg_zoomStepSnooper | ETMain | Client | Rate of change when zoomin/zoomout with snooper rifle (actually functionless?) |
changeVectors | ETMain | Client | ?change to vector defined by FIND_NEW_CHANGE_VECTORS” according to many on google, but didnt notice any effect. |
cinematic | ETMain | Client | [/cinematic etintro] will play the intro movie. Doesnt work in game |
cl_allowDownload | ETMain | Client | Toggles downloading missing files from the server |
cl_anglespeedkey | ETMain | Client | When pressing +left or +right keys, this sets the speed that the view angle turns |
cl_anonymous | ETMain | Client | This is included in the info you send on connect & server keeps in console logs, but nobody knows what its for, except perhaps ?toggle anonymous connection to server”, erm? Hiding OS username that isnt in the logs anyway? There is a sv_allowAnonymous… |
cl_autorecord | ETMain | Client | At 1, then it will start/stop recording a demo at the start/end of each match. |
cl_autoupdate | ETMain | Client | 1 = Automatic game update checks on launch. |
cl_avidemo | ETMain | Client | Writes the specified number of jpeg screenshots each second so you can use software to make a fragmovie |
cl_bypassMouseInput | ETMain | Client | Automatically toggled when there are items (e.g. Vchat menu) on screen, to maintain mouse focus being in game, instead of in menu. |
cl_cacheGathering | |||
cl_conXOffset | ETMain | Client | Supposed to move the on-screen console text up/down – but doesnt? |
cl_debugMove | ETMain | Client | Draws a chart at the bottom displaying something to do with how much you look around. |
cl_debugTranslation | |||
cl_defaultProfile | ETMain | Client | Sets what player profile is to be used by default when loading the game |
cl_doubletapdelay | ETMain | Client | Sets the delay between keypresses required to be a double-tap |
cl_downloadName | ETMain | Client | Stores name of file you’re downloading via the game |
cl_forceavidemo | |||
cl_freelook | ETMain | Client | Look around using the mouse |
cl_freezeDemo | ETMain | Client | Pauses demo playback at 1, maybe bit buggy. |
cl_guid | ETMain | Client | GUID of player? Non-user |
cl_language | ETMain | Client | Stores the language of user’s ET. English is 0 |
cl_maxpackets | ETMain | Client | Cap for data packet transmissions (upstream) |
cl_maxPing | ETMain | Client | Dont show servers with a higher ping than this in server browser? |
cl_motd | ETMain | Client | Wether to get the motd string from the etmaster |
cl_motdString | ETMain | Client | Stores the motd from the etmaster – ?welcome to et player number x” |
cl_mouseAccel | ETMain | Client | Toggles mouse accelleration |
cl_nodelta | ETMain | Client | Wether to disable delta compression for networking stuff. 1 might be less problematic but use up more rate? |
cl_noprint | ETMain | Client | At 1, it doesnt print to the console. Doesnt affect ingame-console messages. |
cl_packetdup | ETMain | Client | Number of duplicates for every data packet sent upstream, minimised packetloss |
cl_paused | ETMain | Client | 2 is supposed to free movement while game is paused, maybe singleplayer relic? |
cl_pitchspeed | ETMain | Client | Turn speed when using keyboard to look up/down? |
cl_predictitems | ETMain | Client | Toggle for client side prediction related to picking up items. |
cl_profile | ETMain | Client | Stores which player profile is being used |
cl_punkbuster | ETMain | Client | Toggles Punkbuster anticheat for client |
cl_run | ETMain | Client | Toggle ‘always run’ setting? |
cl_running | ETMain | Client | Stores wether the client game is running. Is auto set to 0 for dedicated servers. |
cl_serverStatusResendTime | ETMain | Google shows speculation about this setting the heatbeat frequency, which seems odd for a cl_ variable. | |
cl_showmouserate | ETMain | Client | Spams console with with how fast you move the mouse in ratio to sensitivity setting. |
cl_shownet | ETMain | Client | Spams console with latency of each packet? |
cl_shownuments | ETMain | Client | Seems to show the number of entities in each packet as it is sent (received)? |
cl_showSend | ETMain | Client | Shows each packet as it is sent? |
cl_showServerCommands | ETMain | Client | Doesnt appear to do much? |
cl_showTimeDelta | ETMain | Client | Spams console with the time difference between each packet? |
cl_timenudge | ETMain | Client | Supposed to be for adjusting prediction for your ping. Dont bother, use antilag. |
cl_timeout | ETMain | Client | Seems to be duration of receiving nothing from server for client to decide it must be disconnected. Possibly increase if you keep disconnecting on map changes? |
cl_updateavailable | ETMain | Client | Probably stores wether there is a game patch available if cl_autoupdate 1? |
cl_updatefiles | ETMain | Client | Probably set when you choose to download an update patch, if cl_autoupdate 1? |
cl_visibleClients | |||
cl_waitForFire | |||
cl_wavefilerecord | ETMain | Client | Toggle recording a .wav audio file upon loading a demo. Suggest setting to 0 in autoexec.cfg [1.03] |
cl_wwwDownload | ETMain | Client | Toggles downloading missing files from a www file server |
cl_yawspeed | ETMain | Client | Turn speed when using keyboard +left ? |
class | |||
classmenu | ETPro | Client | Command for opening the class selection menu |
clear | ETMain | Client | Empties the console |
clearlines | ETPro | Client | Clears the bullet trails (g_debugBullets, cl_railtrailtime) |
clearviewlog | ETMain | Client | Clear windows console |
clientinfo | ETMain | Client | Returns some info about your client in the console, probably also read by server |
clientkick | ETMain | Server | For kicking players, mostly used via RCON |
ClMessageMode3 | ETMain | Client | MessageMode3 (fireteam chat), without the convenient pop-up box |
ClMessageMode2 | ETMain | Client | MessageMode2 (teamchat), without the convenient pop-up box. Also: ‘say_team’ |
clMessageMode | ETMain | Client | MessageMode (global chat), without the convenient pop-up box. Also: ‘say’ |
cm_noAreas | |||
cm_noCurves | |||
cm_optimize | |||
cm_playerCurveClip | |||
cmd | |||
cmdlist | ETMain | Client | Lists all the commands in the console |
com_buildScript | |||
com_cameraMode | |||
com_crashed | ETMain | Client | |
com_dropsim | |||
com_errorDiagnoseIP | |||
com_hunkMegs | ETMain | Both | Amount of memory (MB) assign to the hunk |
com_hunkused | |||
com_ignorecrash | ETMain | Client | 1 Tells ET client override unsafe cvars that result from ?crash” (often also from running modifications as ET didnt delete pid file) |
com_introplayed | ETMain | Client | Non-user in ET |
com_logosPlaying | |||
com_maxfps | ETMain | Client | Sets cap on the frames per second. 125, 76 and 43 common ‘tweak’ values, as better for jumping. 85 default. |
com_missingFiles | |||
com_recommended | ETMain | Client | |
com_recommendedSet | ETMain | Both | For determining what the reccomended performance settings are, non-user |
com_showtrace | |||
com_soundMegs | ETMain | Client | Sets the amount of memory (MB) to allocate for loaded sound files |
com_speeds | |||
com_watchdog | ETMain | Server | Watchdog checks for a map not being loaded |
com_watchdog_cmd | ETMain | Server | Sets what to do when watchdog finds a map is not loaded |
com_zoneMegs | ETMain | Client | Amount of RAM to allocate to… Zone? Map & texture loading? |
commands | |||
con_autoclear | |||
con_debug | |||
con_drawnotify | |||
con_notifytime | |||
con_restricted | |||
condump | ETMain | Client | Saves the recent lines in the console into a file, e.g. /condump filename.txt. |
Config | ETPro | Server | For loading an etpro style .config file: config clanwar to load clanwar.config |
configstrings | ETMain | Client | Returns config strings |
connect | ETMain | Client | Used for connecting to a server, /connect |
Cp | ETPro | Server | Sends text to all clients to be displayed in the centerprint area. (source). cp text |
cpm | |||
currentTime | |||
cvar_restart | |||
cvarlist | ETMain | Client | Lists all cvars in the console |
cycle | ETMain | Client | For cycling a specified cvar through the specified values.Bind x ?cycle s_mute 0 1″ |
debug_protocol | |||
debuggraph | |||
dedicated | ETMain | Server | Sets server type: 1 dedicated LAN, 2 dedicated internet, 0 listen (play & serve) |
delfavorite | ETMain | Client | Non-user command for removing a server from favourites (server browser) |
demo | ETMain | Client | For loading a demo for playback: /demo demofilename |
demo_avifpsF1 | ETMain | Client | Screenshots per second when recording a movie from a demo and pressing F1 |
demo_avifpsF2 | ETMain | Client | Screenshots per second when recording a movie from a demo and pressing F2 |
demo_avifpsF3 | ETMain | Client | Screenshots per second when recording a movie from a demo and pressing F3 |
demo_avifpsF4 | ETMain | Client | Screenshots per second when recording a movie from a demo and pressing F4 |
demo_avifpsF5 | ETMain | Client | Screenshots per second when recording a movie from a demo and pressing F5 |
demo_drawTimeScale | ETMain | Client | Display the current timescale (fast-forward) of playing demo? |
demo_infoWindow | ETMain | Client | Show the demo information popup? |
demoff | ETMain | Client | For fast-forwarding through demos, specify in seconds (-tive for time until end) |
devdll | |||
developer | ETMain | Server | Enable/disable (1/0) developer mode, allows cheats and so on. |
devmap | ETMain | Server | Command for loading a map in developer mode (cheats enabled) |
dir | ETMain | Client | Similar to MSDOS. Displays contents of the specified directory, can specify extension filter (doesnt display folder names, only files) |
disconnect | ETMain | Client | Command to disconnect from a server |
dmflags | |||
dumpSpeaker | ETMain | Client | |
dumpuser | |||
echo | ETMain | Client | ?Echo” the specified text on the screen/console: /echo ?blah blah blah” |
editHud | |||
editSpeakers | |||
etpro_alliedmapxp | ETPro | ||
etpro_axismapxp | ETPro | ||
etpro_lastmapname | ETPro | ||
etpro_session | ETPro | ||
exec | ETMain | Both | Command to execute the specified file, /exec configfile.cfg |
exec_at_time | ETPro | Client | Allows scripts to be executed exactly at a specified frame number |
fade | |||
fdir | For searching for files/folders, DOS style | ||
fieldinfo | |||
fireteam | Prepend for commands etc relating to fireteams? | ||
fixedtime | |||
follow | ETPro | Client | For specifying which player to spectate? |
follownext | ETPro | Client | Spectate the next guy |
followprev | ETPro | Client | Spectate the previous guy |
Forcecvar | ETPro | Server | Forces the specified cvar to the specified value for all connected client’s. forcvar r_drawfoliage 0 |
forcetapout | ETMain | Forcing going into limbo? | |
fraglimit | ETMain | Server | For setting fraglimit in deathmatch, Q3 relic |
Command/CVAR | Mod | Mode | Description |
g_autoFireteams | ETMain | Server | Toggles automatically putting players into fireteams |
g_axismapxp | ETMain | Server | Presumably stores how much XP the allied team have earned over the map? |
g_axismaxlives | ETMain | Server | Sets the maximum number of lives available to the Axis team |
g_axiswins | ETMain | Server | Presumably stores the allied team’s wins for campaign map/deciding overall winner |
g_balancedteams | ETMain | Server | Toggles wether to prevent player’s joining the larger team |
g_banIPs | ETMain | Server | Stores which IP’s to ban from the server |
g_bluelimbotime | ETMain | Server | Sets the respawn interval for Allies |
g_complaintlimit | ETMain | Server | Kick player after this number of complaints |
g_covertopsChargeTime | ETMain | Server | Sets the amount of time it takes for CovertOps to recharge powerbar |
g_currentCampaign | ETMain | Server | Used by game for the cmap, scoresheet etc |
g_currentCampaignMap | ETMain | Server | Used by game for the cmap, scoresheet etc |
g_currentRound | ETMain | Server | Used by game for the cmap, scoresheet etc |
g_debugAlloc | ETMain | Server | [C] |
g_debugBullets | ETMain | Server | Toggles mode for use of debugging bullet system [C] |
g_debugConstruct | ETMain | Server | Toggles mode for use of debugging map constructions [C] |
g_debugDamage | ETMain | Server | [C] |
g_debugMove | ETMain | Server | [C] |
g_debugSkills | ETMain | Server | Toggles mode for checking skills system? [C] |
g_disableComplaints | ETMain | Server | Bitflag variable for disabling complaints for specified types of teamkill: 1=mines, 2=airstrike/ffe, 4=mortar, add together for multiple [ET1.02] |
g_doWarmup | ETMain | Server | Toggles wether to have the warmup period at all |
g_enforcemaxlives | ETMain | Server | Player’s who quit during a round cannot reconnect until the next round. For one life servers, works by IP |
g_engineerChargeTime | ETMain | Server | Sets the amount of time it takes for Engineers to recharge powerbar |
g_fastres | ETMain | Server | Player is instantly active after being revived |
g_fastResMsec | ETMain | Server | Duration of invulnerability if g_fastResMsec is >0? |
g_filterBan | ETMain | Server | Either ? toggles wether to ban IP’s stored in g_banIPs, or toggles wether to ban or only allow those IP’s. |
G_filtercams | ETMain | Server | Removes enemy players from the limbo screen cams? |
g_forcerespawn | ETMain | Server | Force player’s to limbo after the specified duration, in seconds? |
g_friendlyFire | ETMain | Server | Toggles wether players can damage their teammates |
g_gametype | ETMain | Server | Sets the type of game being played, 2=objective, 3=stopwatch, 4=campaign, 5=LMS |
g_gravity | ETMain | Server | Sets the strengh of gravity, default 800. |
g_heavyWeaponRestriction | ETMain | Server | Restricts heavyweapons and support fire, detail. |
g_inactivity | ETMain | Server | Duration of player inactivity allowed before kicked |
g_ipcomplaintlimit | ETMain | Server | Kicks player after complaints filed from this many IP’s (different players) |
g_knifeonly | ETMain | Server | Only weapon for players is the knife. |
g_knockback | ETMain | Server | Possibly toggles the knockback effect after player is shot? |
g_landminetimeout | ETMain | Server | Wether landmines are removed when the player who laid them disconnects |
g_lms_currentMatch | ETMain | Server | |
g_lms_followTeamOnly | ETMain | Server | Wether players can only spectate teammates (LMS only) |
g_lms_lockTeams | ETMain | Server | Toggles locking teams during a round (LMS only) |
g_lms_matchlimit | ETMain | Server | ?matchlimit is actually the number of rounds per match” ? |
g_lms_roundlimit | ETMain | Server | ?roundlimit is actually the number of something per round, not the number of rounds”? |
g_lms_teamForceBalance | ETMain | Server | Prevents players joining a team that had more players during current LMS round. |
g_log | ETMain | Server | Sets the name of the server log file |
g_logSync | ETMain | Server | |
g_LTChargeTime | ETMain | Server | Sets the amount of time it takes for FieldOps to recharge powerbar |
g_maxGameClients | ETMain | Server | Max number of clients playing ingame (rest are stuck in spectator)? Also see team_maxplayers |
g_maxlives | ETMain | Server | Number of lives (respawns) all players have. 0 = unlimited. Superceded by g_axismaxlives and g_alliedmaxlives |
g_maxlivesRespawnPenalty | ETMain | Server | |
g_medicChargeTime | ETMain | Server | Sets the amount of time it takes for Medics to recharge powerbar |
g_minGameClients | ETMain | Server | The minimum number of players needed for a round to begin |
g_missionStats | Server | ||
g_motd | ETMain | Server | Set the Message of the Day here, appears defunct in ET |
g_movespeed | Server | ||
g_needpass | ETMain | Server | Toggles requiring a password for players to join |
g_nextTimeLimit | Server | ||
g_noTeamSwitching | ETMain | Server | Wether to disallow teams from swapping between teams |
g_oldCampaign | Server | ||
g_password | ETMain | Server | Set the password clients will need in order to connect to server |
g_redlimbotime | ETMain | Server | Sets the respawn interval for Axis |
g_reloading | Server | ||
g_restarted | ETMain | Server | Non-user? |
g_scriptDebug | Server | ||
g_scriptDebugLevel | Server | ||
g_scriptName | Server | ||
g_smoothClients | Server | ||
g_soldierChargeTime | ETMain | Server | Sets the amount of time it takes for Soldiers to recharge powerbar |
g_spAwards | ETMain | Server | |
g_spectatorInactivity | ETMain | Server | Duration of spectator inactivity allowed before kicked |
g_speed | ETMain | Server | Speed of player’s. 320 default, dont fiddle except for silly-fun shenanigans. |
g_spScores | ETMain | Server | Relic? |
g_spScores | ETMain | Server | Relic? |
g_spScores | ETMain | Server | Relic? |
g_spScores | ETMain | Server | Relic? |
g_spScores | ETMain | Server | Relic? |
g_spSkill | ETMain | Server | Relic? |
g_spVideos | ETMain | Server | Relic? |
g_swapteams | ETMain | Server | |
g_teamForceBalance | ETMain | Server | Toggles disallowing players from joining teams with more players |
g_userAim | Server | ||
g_userAlliedRespawnTime | ETMain | Server | Sets the respawn interval for Axis |
g_userAxisRespawnTime | ETMain | Server | Sets the respawn interval for Allies |
g_userTimeLimit | ETMain | Server | Sets the timelimit for the round |
g_voiceChatsAllowed | ETMain | Server | Sets the number of vsay’s that players can spam per 30? seconds |
g_voteFlags | ETMain | Server | Sets voting options available to players (note the match_ overrule?) |
g_warmup | ETMain | Server | Sets duration of the warmup period before the round begins |
gameCompleteStatus | |||
Gamedate | ETMain | Both | Build date of ET (or of the mod in use). Non-user. |
Gamename | ETMain | Both | Stores the name/folder of the mod being used. Non-user |
gamestate | |||
generateTracemap | ETMain | Assumed for mapper/modder types. | |
gfxinfo | |||
give | ETMain | Client | Give you the specified [C]. E.g.: give ammo (full ammo), give health 100 (100 health), give all (gives you all items: full ammo, all ‘weaponbank’ items ? including those for other classes) |
globalservers | ETMain | Client | Command to scan for all servers, internet & LAN. See alsolocalservers. Non-user? |
god | ETMain | Client | Enable god mode (invincible) [C] |
graphheight | |||
graphscale | |||
graphshift | |||
guids | ETPro | Both | Displays a list of player GUIDs in the console |
headModel | |||
heartbeat | ETMain | Server | For the heartbeat/info to master servers etc |
help | ETMain | Client | Obsolete |
huditemlist | |||
ignore | ETMain | Client | ? Sets a chat ignore on a player/team/all” (Rhea) |
imagelist | ETMain | Client | Lists all image files (all loaded?) together with some info about them |
in_debugjoystick | ETMain | Client | Joystick |
in_dgamouse | ETMain | Client | Disable game mouse accelleration (Linux only) |
in_joyBallScale. | ETMain | Client | Joystick |
in_joystick | ETMain | Client | Joystick |
in_midi | ETMain | Client | |
in_midichannel | ETMain | Client | |
in_mididevice | ETMain | Client | |
in_midiport | ETMain | Client | |
in_mouse | ETMain | Client | -1= use windows default mouse routines, 1= use direct input, but it’s broken. |
in_restart | ETMain | Client | |
Inviteall | ETPro | Client | Used with fireteam to invite all teammates into fireteam, if they arent already in one. /fireteam inviteall |
journal | ETMain | Client | Use in command line to record ‘demo’ of everything you do in ET. ‘+set journal 1’ to record; 2 for playback. journaldata.dat & journal.dat are the files it creates, they get very large quickly. Files will also store cfgs loaded. |
joy_threshold | ETMain | Client | Joystick |
keyoff | |||
keyon | |||
kick | ETMain | Server | Command for kicking a player, /kick number ? find number with /status |
kill | ETMain | Client | Command for making your player kill himself |
killserver | ETMain | Server | Command for terminating the server, but leaving et.exe running. |
listbotgoals | |||
listcampaigns | ETMain | Client | Returns a list of campaigns found (incl. Downloaded campaigns). Useful with rcon |
Listcs | ETPro | Server | Dumps all of the current configstrings to the server console. (source) |
loadgame | |||
LoadTranslations | |||
loadweapons | |||
localservers | ETMain | Client | Scans for LAN connected servers. See also globalservers. Non-user command? |
lock | ETMain | Client | Command for locking your team, so other player’s cannot join. |
loc_add | ETPro | Client | For adding location names? |
loc_del | ETPro | Client | For deleting location names. Doesnt have to be the exact name, will delete the closest one |
loc_rename | ETPro | Client | For renaming location names. Doesnt have to be the exact name, will rename the closest one to what was specified |
loc_save | ETPro | Client | Saves location names to the specified file? |
loc_load | ETPro | Client | Load the specified location-name file |
loc_show | ETPro | Client | Shows location name of an imperfectly-specified location? |
Log | ETMain | Both | Sets the name of the logfile |
logfile | ETMain | Both | Toggles saving a logfile |
logout | Client | /ref logout ? unreferee. | |
m | ETPro | Client | Pretext for sending a private message, /m playername message, which will send the message to all players with playername in their name. See also mt |
m_filter | ETMain | Client | Toggles mouse filter (mouse smoothing) |
m_forward | ETMain | Client | |
m_pitch | ETMain | Client | Sets the mouse pitch (up/down) |
m_side | ETMain | Client | |
m_yaw | ETMain | Client | Sets the mouse yaw (left/right) |
map | ETMain | Server | Command for loading another map [/map radar] |
map_restart | ETMain | Server | Command for restarting the current round on the map, does not also set stopwatch game to the first round (see reset_match). [map_restart x] sets x seconds of warmup. |
Mapname | ETMain | Client | Returns name of map |
MapZoomIn | ETMain | Client | Command for zooming into the map |
MapZoomOut | ETMain | Client | Command for zooming out of the map |
match_latejoin | ETMain | Server | Togges allowing players to join a match in progress |
match_minplayers | ETMain | Server | Sets the minimum number of players before match can start |
match_mutespecs | ETMain | Server | Toggles muting spectators |
match_readypercent | ETMain | Server | Sets the % of player’s required to have set ready before round will commence |
match_timeoutcount | ETMain | Server | Sets the number of times non-REF players on each team can pause the match |
match_timeoutlength | ETMain | Server | Sets the duration of pauses/timeouts |
match_warmupDamage | ETMain | Server | Toggle friendly fire during the warmup interval |
Me | |||
meminfo | ETMain | Client | Shows memory usage in the console |
messageMode | ETMain | Client | Command for opening global text chat box |
MessageMode2 | ETMain | Client | Command for opening team-only text chat box |
MessageMode3 | ETMain | Client | Command for opening fireteam-only text chat box |
messageSend | |||
midiinfo | |||
mod_url | ETMain | Server | Stores the URL of the mod being used, non-user |
mod_version | ETMain | Server | Stores the version of the mod being used, non-user |
modelist | ETMain | Client | Gives a list of the r_mode resolution numbers (see r_mode) |
modellist | ETMain | Client | Lists all models in console (all loaded/open?) |
modifySpeaker | ETMain | Client | |
mp_fireteamadmin | ETMain | Client | For sorting FT |
mp_fireteammsg | ETMain | Client | Command for text chats to fireteam-mates only |
mp_QuickMessage | ETMain | Client | Command for opening the voice chat menu |
msg | ETPro | ||
mt | ETPro | Client | Pretext for sending a private message, /mt playername message, which will send the message to all players on your team with playername in their name. See also mt |
music | |||
music_queue | |||
mv_sensitivity | ETPro | Client | MultiView |
mvactivate | ETPro | Client | MultiView |
mvadd | ETPro | Client | MultiView |
mvall | ETPro | Client | MultiView |
mvallies | ETPro | Client | MultiView |
mvaxis | ETPro | Client | MultiView |
mvdel | ETPro | Client | MultiView |
mvhide | ETPro | Client | MultiView |
mvnew | ETPro | Client | MultiView |
mvnone | ETPro | Client | MultiView |
mvshow | ETPro | Client | MultiView |
mvswap | ETPro | Client | MultiView |
mvtoggle | ETPro | Client | MultiView |
Name | ETMain | Client | Sets the name of the player |
net_ip | ETMain | Both | Tell ET what the internet-IP is. Useful with routers etc. Set on commandline/shortcut. |
net_noipx | ETMain | Both | Toggle IPX network protocol |
net_noudp | ETMain | Both | Toggle UDP network protocol |
net_port | ETMain | Both | Specify what port to use. Use if more than one instance of ET is running. |
net_qport | ETMain | Both | Define the port to connect with, useful for bypassing annoying routers & firewalls |
net_restart | ETMain | Client | Resets net system? |
net_socksEnabled | ETMain | Both | Network socks stuff. |
net_socksPassword | ETMain | Both | Network socks stuff. |
net_socksPort | ETMain | Both | Network socks stuff. |
net_socksServer | ETMain | Both | Network socks stuff. |
net_socksUsername | ETMain | Both | Network socks stuff. |
nextcampaign | ETMain | Server | Start the next campaign in the rotation |
nextframe | |||
nextmap | ETMain | Server | Start the next map in the rotation |
nextskin | |||
nextteam | |||
no_techo | |||
noclip | ETMain | Client | Toggles being able to walk through walls/objects [C] |
nofatigue | ETMain | Client | Toggle the effect of stanima [C] |
notarget | ETMain | Client | Stops AI attacking you. Obsolite, unless some bot-mod makes use of it [C] |
notice | ETPro | ||
notready | ETMain | Client | Reverses ready status |
openlimbomenu | ETMain | Client | Command for opening the limbo menu |
openTimerInput | ETPro | Client | Opens a box to set the enemy’s spawntime in. |
P | ETPro | Server | Replaces Players_Allies and Players_Axis. more info. |
Passvote | ETPro | Server | Force a vote in-progress to succeed. Mainly used with RCON and REF? |
password | ETMain | Client | Used for setting password required for some servers |
path | ETMain | Client | Returns the current search paths (.pk3 files and number of files) |
pause | ETMain | Client | Pauses/freezes a game in progress, see unpause (also timeout, timein) |
ping | ETMain | Client | For pinging server – /ping [server] |
play | |||
players | ETMain | Client | Displays info of connected players, their connection settings etc |
players_Allies | ETMain | Server | Bitmask for showing allied player numbers in serverinfo. See ‘P’ for ETPro |
players_Axis | ETMain | Server | Bitmask for showing axis player numbers in serverinfo. See ‘P’ for ETPro |
pm | ETPro | Client | Private messages? |
pmove_fixed | ETMain | Both | Affects game physiscs, see here. |
pmove_msec | ETMain | Both | Affects game physiscs, see here. |
pmt | |||
prevframe | |||
prevskin | |||
protocol | ETMain | Both | Returns the current protocol (changes with patches). ET v1.02 = protocol 83 |
quit | ETMain | Both | Quits the running game, and exits ET completely. For server also see killserver |
r_allowExtensions | ETMain | Client | Toggle allowing video-driver opengl extensions |
r_allowSoftwareGL | ETMain | Client | |
r_ambientScale | ETMain | Client | Strengh of ambient lighting? |
r_ati_fsaa_samples | |||
r_ati_truform_normalmode | ETMain | Client | ATI video card truform stuff |
r_ati_truform_pointmode | ETMain | Client | ATI video card truform stuff |
r_ati_truform_tess | ETMain | Client | ATI video card truform stuff |
r_bonesDebug | ETMain | Client | |
r_cache | |||
r_cacheModels | |||
r_cacheShaders | |||
r_clampToEdge | ETMain | Client | Soemthign to do with clamping fog, often restricted cvar. |
r_clear | ETMain | Client | Used for map dev : ?clears the screen with a horrible pink color. This means that places which would normally be HOM are bright pink instead, which can be helpful in spotting small gaps or sparklies.” (thx ReyalP) |
r_colorbits | ETMain | Client | Colour depth, 16/32. |
r_colorMipLevels | |||
r_customaspect | |||
r_customheight | ETMain | Client | To set height of a custom resolution, see r_customwidth & r_mode. Useful for TFT |
r_customwidth | ETMain | Client | To set width of a custom resolution, see r_customheight & r_mode |
r_debuglight | |||
r_debugSort | |||
r_debugSurface | |||
r_depthbits | |||
r_detailtextures | ETMain | Client | Wether to use high detail textures |
r_directedScale | |||
r_displayRefresh | ETMain | Client | Can set the refresh rate of monitor? |
r_dlightBacks | |||
r_drawBuffer | |||
r_drawentities | |||
r_drawfoliage | ETMain | Client | Toggles drawing foliage (e.g. All the grass on Radar) [C] |
r_drawSun | ETMain | Client | Toggles drawing the image of the sun in the sky |
r_drawworld | ETMain | Client | [C] |
r_dynamiclight | ETMain | Client | Toggles use of dynamic lighting effect |
r_ext_ATI_pntriangles | |||
r_ext_compiled_vertex_array | |||
r_ext_compressed_textures | |||
r_ext_gamma_control | |||
r_ext_multitexture | |||
r_ext_NV_fog_dist | |||
r_ext_texture_env_add | |||
r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic | ETMain | Client | Aniso works with [1.03]. 1 to enable, r_textureAnisotropy to set the level. |
r_facePlaneCull | ETMain | Client | Wether to not render the hidden side of objects in view. |
r_fastsky | ETMain | Client | Toggles wether the detailed skybox is drawn or just a basic sky |
r_finish | |||
r_flareFade | ETMain | Client | Duration of flare effect fading |
r_flares | ETMain | Client | Toggle flare effect around certain dynamic lights |
r_flareSize | ETMain | Client | Size of flare effect around certain dynamic lights |
r_fullscreen | ETMain | Client | Toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode |
r_gamma | ETMain | Client | Sets gamma (form of brightness) level, gamma correction. |
r_glDriveropengl | |||
r_glIgnoreWickedD | |||
r_highQualityVideo | |||
r_ignore | |||
r_ignoreFastPath | |||
r_ignoreGLErrors | |||
r_ignorehwgamma | ETMain | Client | Toggles ignoring the hardware gamma settings |
r_inGameVideo | ETMain | Client | Toggle use of video clips in game (limbo menu) |
r_intensity | |||
r_lastValidRenderer | |||
r_lightmap | |||
r_lockpvs | |||
r_lodbias | ETMain | Client | Level of visual detail, especially at distance? |
r_lodCurveError | ETMain | Client | ?determines how quickly polygons are pulled out with distance” – JC |
r_lodscale | |||
r_logFile | |||
r_mapoverbrightbits | ETMain | Client | Set brightness of light on textures |
r_maskMinidriver | |||
r_maxpolys | |||
r_maxpolyverts | |||
r_measureOverdraw | |||
r_mode | ETMain | Client | For setting screen resolution, 4 = 800×600, 6 = 1024×768, modelist. Set to -1 to make use of r_customwidth & r_customheight. |
r_nobind | |||
r_nocull | ETMain | Client | Toggle wether to render hidden objects. 1 would hit performance |
r_nocurves | |||
r_noportals | |||
r_norefresh | |||
r_normallength. | |||
r_novis | |||
r_nv_fogdist_mode | |||
r_offsetfactor- | |||
r_offsetunits- | |||
r_oldMode | |||
r_overBrightBits | ETMain | Client | Brightness setting |
r_picmip | ETMain | Client | Bit like compression for all textures. 0 is max quality, 3 for max performance (mostly just uses less video card memory). |
r_portalOnly | |||
r_primitives | |||
r_printShaders | |||
r_railCoreWidth | |||
r_railSegmentLength | |||
r_railWidth | |||
r_rmse | ETMain | Client | Defunct since 1.02 patch |
r_roundImagesDown | |||
r_saveFontData | |||
r_showcluster | |||
r_showImages | |||
r_showmodelbounds | [C] | ||
r_shownormals | [C] | ||
r_showsky | [C] | ||
r_showSmp | |||
r_showtris | [C] | ||
r_simpleMipMaps | |||
r_singleShader | |||
r_skipBackEnd | |||
r_smp | |||
r_speeds | |||
r_stencilbits | |||
r_stereo | ETMain | Client | For stereo OpenGL ? 3D glasses type thing. Either doesnt work or requires video opengl drivers that support it. |
r_subdivisions | ETMain | Client | Sets number of subdivisions of ?curves”, increasing makes curves into straights. |
r_swapInterval | ETMain | Client | If 1 then vsync is on, if 0 then it’s off. Also works for Linux since 1.03 |
r_textureAnisotropy | ETMain | Client | Set level of anisotropic texture filtering |
r_texturebits | ETMain | Client | Number of bits for textures, stick to 32 as 16 is hardly better performance. |
r_textureMode | |||
r_trisColor | ETMain | Client | Sets colour for r_tris, usage: r_triscolor r g b a |
r_uiFullScreen | ETMain | Client | Appears functionless in ET? Was fog-removal ‘exploit’ in RTCW |
r_verbose | |||
r_wolffog | ETMain | Client | Enables and disables fog. [C], also restricted by Punkbuster |
r_zfar | ETMain | Client | Distance for culling distant objects |
r_znear | ETMain | Client | Distance for culling objects close to player. Recommended for servers to restrict. |
Command/CVAR | Mod | Mode | Description |
rate | ETMain | Client | Cap on the connection bandwidth to use, 1000=~1KB/s. For 56k use about 4000, broadband 25000 |
rcon | ETMain | Client | Prepend to issue to remote-console, i.e. Send what follows to the server as command. RCON Guide. |
rconAddress | |||
rconAuth | |||
rconPassword | ETMain | Both | Server: used to set the rcon password. Client: Used to login as having RCON authorisation on the connected server. RCON Guide. |
ready | ETMain | Client | Sets player to ready status |
readyteam | ETMain | Client | Sets all players on your team to ready status |
reconnect | ETMain | Client | Reconnect to the most recent server you tried to connect to |
record | ETMain | Client | Starts recording a demo. See also stopRecord |
ref | ETMain | Client | Use similar to RCON for referee commands. /ref shows arguments |
refereePassword | ETMain | Server | Used to set the password required to achieve REF status/authorisation |
reflogout | ETPro | Client | Remove yourself from Ref status? ?Unknown command” but is listed in cmdlist |
reset | ETMain | Client | Prepend to reset a cvar to it’s default value. /reset cl_maxpackets |
reset_match | ETMain | Server | Used (usually by REF) to reset the whole match to beginning. Contrast with map_restart |
resetmaxspeed | |||
resetTimer | ETPro | Client | Reset’s ETPro’s enemy spawntimer |
Revive | ETMain | Server | Command to revive the specified player [C] |
s_bits | ETMain | Client | |
s_currentMusic | ETMain | Client | Lists current/most recent music sound file name & location |
s_debugMusic | ETMain | Client | |
s_defaultsound | ETMain | Client | |
s_doppler | ETMain | Client | Toggle doppler effect |
s_info | ETMain | Client | Lists info of sound system in console |
s_initsound | ETMain | Client | |
s_khz | ETMain | Client | Sets frequency of the music, very high quality = 44 [1.03], high = 22 while low = 11 |
s_list | ETMain | Client | Lists all sound file names and locations in console |
s_mixahead | ETMain | Client | For mixing audio? |
s_mixPreStep | ETMain | Client | |
s_musicvolume | ETMain | Client | Sets volume of the music, multiplier value (0.0 to 1.0) |
s_mute | ETMain | Client | Toggle muting, 1 disables all sounds, 0 plays them as normal |
s_nocompressed | ETMain | Client | Dont play any compressed music files? |
s_numchannels | ETMain | Client | |
s_separation | ETMain | Client | Stereo seperation? |
s_show | ETMain | Client | Lists in console every sound when it is played [C] |
s_stop | ETMain | Client | Stops playing any sounds currently playing |
s_testsound | ETMain | Client | |
s_volume | ETMain | Client | Sets volume of the game sounds, multiplier value (0.0 to 1.0) |
s_wavonly | ETMain | Client | Toggles playing only .wav files? |
sa | ETPro | Client | Shorter version of semiAdmin |
sal | ETPro | Client | Shorter version of semiAdminLogin |
savegame_filename | ETMain | Client | Obsolete? |
savegame_loading | ETMain | Client | Obsolete? |
SaveNewTranslations | |||
SaveTranslations | |||
say | ETMain | Both | Send what follows as global text chat /say ?owned” |
say_buddy | ETPro | Client | |
say_team | ETMain | Client | Send what follows as team text chat /say_team ?ffs gimme ammo n00bs” |
say_teamnl | |||
scLogin | ETPro | Client | Short form of shoutcastlogin |
scLogout | ETPro | Client | Short form of shoutcastlogout |
scores | ETMain | Client | Shows the scoresheet |
scr_conspeed | |||
screenshot | ETMain | Client | Takes a screenshot, in high quality lossless TGA format |
screenshotJPEG | ETMain | Client | Takes a screenshot, in lossy-compression JPEG format |
sectorlist | |||
selectbuddy | 0-5 to select that fireteam-mate, -1 none, -2 all ?? | ||
semiAdmin | ETPro | Client | For use with SemiAdmin feature, similar-ish to a customisable REF (detail) |
semiAdminLogin | ETPro | Client | Used when logging in with password for SemiAdmin (detail) |
sensitivity | ETMain | Client | Used for setting the mouse sensitivity |
Server1 | |||
Server2 | |||
Server3 | |||
Server4 | |||
Server5 | |||
Server6 | |||
Server7 | |||
Server8 | |||
Server9 | |||
Server10 | |||
Server11 | |||
Server12 | |||
Server13 | |||
Server14 | |||
Server15 | |||
Server16 | |||
server_autoconfig | ETMain | Server | For loading ?pub” or ?comp” pre-set configurations. Detail |
server_motd0 | ETMain | Server | Sets line 1 of the motd box (sv_hostname still goes above though). detail. |
server_motd1 | ETMain | Server | Sets line 2 of the motd box, detail. |
server_motd2 | ETMain | Server | Sets line 3 of the motd box, detail. |
server_motd3 | ETMain | Server | Sets line 4 of the motd box, detail. |
server_motd4 | ETMain | Server | Sets line 5 of the motd box, detail. |
server_motd5 | ETMain | Server | Sets line 6, the bottom line, of the motd box. detail. |
serverinfo | ETMain | Client | Lists ?server info” in the console (same info as in the Server Info menu box). Also, ?the serverinfo info string has all the cvars visible to server browsers” (g_public.h) |
serverstatus | ETMain | Server | Returns ?serverinfo” plus basic player info. For server browsers? |
Session0 | ETMain | Server | Seems to return info of use to server browsers? |
Sessionstats0 | ETMain | Server | Seems to return info of use to server browsers? |
set | ETMain | Both | To ?set” some cvar to the specified value, e.g. /set r_gamma 1 |
seta | ETMain | Both | ?set & archive” |
setenv | |||
sethuditem | |||
setRecommended | ETMain | Client | Applies the settings that were reccommended for your system? |
sets | ETMain | Server | Specifies it is to be shown in serverinfo. Often doesnt have any effect on game |
setu | ETMain | Both | |
SetWeaponCrosshair | |||
shaderlist | |||
shoutCastLogin | ETPro | Client | For logging in with password for special shoutcaster spectator type |
shoutCastLogout | ETPro | Client | For logging out of special shoutcaster spectator type |
showdrop | ETMain | Client | Shows dropped packets in the console? |
show_framecount | ETPro | Client | Show the framecount in demo playback (0=off, 1=on, 2=snapshot current frame number) |
showip | ETMain | Client | Returns your IP in console |
showpackets | ETMain | Client | Appears to give running display of sent/received data packets |
showstats | ETMain | Client | Best guess is this was for multiview, which was re-enabled in ETPro (server set) |
shuffleteamsxp_norestart | ETPro | Server | Command to shuffleteams by XP, without restarting the round/map. |
singlePlayLink | ETMain | Client | Relic, execution is unadvised [removed in 1.03] |
skills | |||
skinlist | |||
snaps | ETMain | Client | ?snapshots” for server to send you, leave at 20. |
snd_reload | ETMain | Client | Reloads all sound files? |
snd_restart | ETMain | Client | Restarts sound engine |
spdevmap | |||
spechelp | ETPro | Client | Is in ET source but cvar only in etpro? Maybe toggles ?spectator help” in multiview? |
specinvite | ETMain | Client | Use to allow a specific client to spectate a speclocked team |
speclock | ETMain | Client | Prevents spectating (other than Ref’s or, in ETPro, ETTV & Shoutcasters) of your team. Also specunlock, team_nocontrols |
specunlock | ETMain | Client | Reverses speclock, allows people to view your team. Also speclock, team_nocontrols |
spmap | |||
start_match | ETMain | Server | Used by REF to skip the readyup shenanigans |
statsall | ETMain | Client | Dumps statistics for all player’s into the console |
statsdump | ETMain | Client | Dumps stats into a file? |
status | ETMain | Both | shows the client number (num), score, ping, player name (name), client IP address (address), and port connected through (qport) |
stoprecord | ETMain | Client | Stops recording a demo. See also record |
streamingsound | |||
sv_allowAnonymous | ETMain | Server | |
sv_allowDownload | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing clients to download missing files from the server |
sv_cheats | ETMain | Server | Toggle allowing cheats such as noclip |
sv_cvar | ETPro | Server | Used for the ETPro cvar restrictions |
sv_dl_maxRate | ETMain | Server | Sets the maximum speed clients can download files from the server |
sv_floodProtect | ETMain | Server | |
sv_fps | ETMain | Server | Effectively frequency of server calculating states. Leave at 20, else ET breaks |
sv_fullmsg | ETMain | Server | Customise the ?server full” message, or redirect to another server: sv_fullmsg “ET://” [1.03] |
sv_hostname | ETMain | Server | Sets the name of the server, what shows up in server lists |
sv_keywords | ETMain | ||
sv_killserver | ETMain | Server | |
sv_lanForceRate | ETMain | Server | Toggle for forcing very high rate setting for clients detected (sometimes wrongly) as connecting via LAN. |
sv_mapChecksum | ETMain | Server | |
sv_master1 | ETMain | Server | Master server to report to, should be |
sv_master2 | ETMain | Server | Master server to report to |
sv_master3 | ETMain | Server | Master server to report to |
sv_master4 | ETMain | Server | Master server to report to |
sv_master5 | ETMain | Server | Master server to report to |
sv_maxclients | ETMain | Server | Maximum number of clients that can be connected, including private ones |
sv_maxPing | ETMain | Server | Disallow clients who try to connect with this ping. Note clients usually have high ping at this point so set very high. |
sv_maxRate | ETMain | Server | Cap the maximum rate (bandwidth) a player can use. 13000 to the max of 25000 normal (1000=1KB/s). |
sv_minguidage | ETMain | Server | |
sv_minPing | ETMain | Server | Can set a minimum ping for players to have when they connect, presumably for if you intend server for ?HPB” |
sv_onlyVisibleClients | ETMain | Server | |
sv_padPackets | ETMain | Server | |
sv_pakNames | ETMain | Server | |
sv_paks | ETMain | Server | |
sv_paused | ETMain | Server | |
sv_privateClients | ETMain | Server | Number of the sv_maxclients slots reserved for clients with the privatePassword. |
sv_privatePassword | ETMain | Server | Define the password used for private players ? slots reserved for only people with the priv pass |
sv_punkbuster | ETMain | Server | Toggle activation of Punkbuster on the server. Should be set on command line. |
sv_pure | ETMain | Server | Toggles check that client’s files are the same as the servers (basic anticheat). |
sv_reconnectlimit | ETMain | Server | Presumably limits an IP connecting to the server n times in some unknown period? |
sv_referencedPakNames | ETMain | Server | |
sv_referencedPaks | ETMain | Server | |
sv_running | ETMain | Server | |
sv_serverid | ETMain | Server | |
sv_serverRestarting | ETMain | Server | |
sv_showAverageBPS | ETMain | Server | |
sv_showloss | ETMain | Server | |
sv_tempbanmessage | ETMain | Server | What player’s get after being kicked – ?you have been kicked and are temporarily banned…” |
sv_timeout | ETMain | Server | Duration before disconnecting clients that arent communicating to server at all? |
sv_wwwBaseURL | ETMain | Server | Sets the location of www download redirect, detail |
sv_wwwCheckPath | ETMain | Server | Path to seek files for www download, leave blank to default to etmain and/or mod folder. detail |
sv_wwwDlDisconnected | ETMain | Server | Wether to disconnect players from gameserver while they download via www detail |
sv_wwwDownload | ETMain | Server | Toggles enabling www download redirect. detail |
sv_wwwFallbackURL | ETMain | Server | Alternative URL to download the files from. detail |
sv_zombietime | ETMain | Server | |
swap_teams | ETMain | Server | Swaps teams about ? axis become allies and vice-versa |
sys_cpuid | ETMain | Both | Non-user, stores a number identifying the CPU |
sys_cpustring | ETMain | Both | Non-user, stores string name of the CPU (e.g. AMD w/ 3DNow!). |
systeminfo | ETMain | Server | Same as ?systeminfo”? |
taginfo | ETMain | Client | Says ?not active”, perhaps for the premium PB tag registration? |
team | ETMain | Client | /team r joins axis, /team b joins allies |
team_maxFlamers | ETPro | Server | Determines the max number of flamers that can be used on each team |
team_maxMgs | ETPro | Server | Determines the max number of mobile MG’s that can be used on each team |
team_maxMines | ETPro | Server | Determines the max number of mines available to each team |
team_maxMortars | ETPro | Server | Determines the max number of mortars that can be used on each team |
team_maxPanzers | ETPro | Server | Determines the max number of panzerfausts that can be used on each team |
team_maxplayers | ETPro | Server | Determines the max number of players that can join each team |
team_maxriflegrenades | ETPro | Server | Determines the max number of ?n00bsticks” that each team can have |
team_nocontrols | ETMain | Server | Toggles disallowing players from having team controls, e.g. /readyteam |
teammenu | ETPro | Client | Command opens v-chat style menu to select your class & weapon |
testgun | |||
testmodel | |||
timedemo | ETMain | Client | Set to 1 to enable timedemo mode,for benchmarking purposes |
timegraph | [C] | ||
timein | ETMain | Client | Continues game after a timeout/pause, same as unpause. See team_nocontrols |
timelimit | ETMain | Server | Sets the time limitation for the map |
timeout | ETMain | Client | Same as Pause, freezes game, usually so a crashed player can rejoin. |
timerSet | ETPro | Client | For setting ETPro built in spawntimer |
timescale | ETMain | Client | Increase to ?fast forward” through demos, or decrease for slow motion (fraction of 1). |
tjg_info | ETPro | Trickjump tool | |
tjg_load | ETPro | Trickjump tool | |
tjg_menu | ETPro | Trickjump tool | |
tjg_pause | ETPro | Trickjump tool | |
tjg_play | ETPro | Trickjump tool | |
tjg_record | ETPro | Trickjump tool | |
tjg_save | ETPro | Trickjump tool | |
tjg_stop | ETPro | Trickjump tool | |
tjl_drawslot | ETPro | Trickjump tool | |
tjl_info | ETPro | Trickjump tool | |
tjl_load | ETPro | Trickjump tool | |
tjl_menu | ETPro | Trickjump tool ? TJ menu | |
tjl_save | ETPro | Trickjump tool | |
tjl_startrecord | ETPro | Trickjump tool | |
tjl_stoprecord | ETPro | Trickjump tool | |
toggle | ETMain | Client | For swapping a cvar between values of 0 and 1: bind x ?toggle s_mute” |
toggleConsole | ETMain | Client | Opens and closes the console pull-down |
topshots | ETMain | Client | Shows the topshots stats, the most accurate aimers |
touchFile | |||
ui_autoredirect | ETMain | Client | Toggle allowing servers to auto-redirect you to another server when full. |
ui_bigFont | |||
ui_blackout | |||
ui_browserGameType | ETMain | Client | Server browser ? selects servers running specific gametypes |
ui_browserMaster | ETMain | Client | Server browser ? Local/Internet/Favourites source… Non-functional in ET? |
ui_browserShowAntilag | ETMain | Client | Server browser ? servers with antilag enabled: 0=both, 1=only show, 2=dont show |
ui_browserShowEmptyOrFull | ETMain | Client | Server browser ? empty or full servers: 0=both, 1=only show, 2=dont show |
ui_browserShowETPro | ETPro | Client | Server browser ? servers running ETPro mod: 0=both, 1=only show, 2=dont show |
ui_browserShowFriendlyFire | ETMain | Client | Server browser ? servers with Friendly Fire: 0=both, 1=only show, 2=dont show |
ui_browserShowMaxlives | ETMain | Client | Server browser ? servers with limited lives: 0=both, 1=only show, 2=dont show |
ui_browserShowPasswordProtected | ETMain | Client | Server browser ? passworded servers: 0=both, 1=only show, 2=dont show |
ui_browserShowPunkBuster | ETMain | Client | Server browser ? Punkbuster servers: 0=both, 1=only show, 2=dont show |
ui_browserShowTeamBalanced | ETMain | Client | Server browser ? servers forcing balanced teams: 0=both 1=only show 2=hide |
ui_browserShowWeaponsRestricted | ETMain | Client | Server browser ? servers with weapon restrictions: 0=both 1=only show 2=hide |
ui_browserSortKey | ETMain | Client | Server browser ? supposably sets which heading to order the server list, but doesnt |
ui_campaignIndex | |||
ui_classSoldier | |||
ui_cmd | |||
ui_connecting | |||
ui_ctf_capturelimit | Relic? | ||
ui_ctf_friendly | Relic? | ||
ui_ctf_timelimit | Relic? | ||
ui_currentCampaign | |||
ui_currentCampaignCompleted | |||
ui_currentMap | |||
ui_currentNetCampaign | |||
ui_currentNetMap | |||
ui_dedicated | |||
ui_ffa_fraglimit | |||
ui_ffa_timelimit | |||
ui_filterdescription | |||
ui_gametype | |||
ui_glCustom | |||
ui_handedness | |||
ui_heavyWeaponRestriction | |||
ui_isSpectator | |||
ui_joinGametype- | |||
ui_lastServerRefresh | |||
ui_limboMode | |||
ui_limboObjective | |||
ui_limboOptions | |||
ui_limboPrevOptions | |||
ui_mapIndex | |||
ui_master | |||
ui_maxlives | |||
ui_menuFiles | |||
ui_mousePitch | |||
ui_netGametype | |||
ui_netSource | |||
ui_notebookCurrentPage | |||
ui_objective | |||
ui_prevClass- | |||
ui_prevTeam- | |||
ui_prevWeapon- | |||
ui_profile | |||
ui_profile_create_error | |||
ui_profile_mousePitch | |||
ui_QModel | |||
ui_r_colorbits | |||
ui_r_depthbits | |||
ui_r_detailtextures | |||
ui_r_dynamiclight | |||
ui_r_ext_compressed_textures | |||
ui_r_gamma | |||
ui_r_lodbias | |||
ui_r_mode | |||
ui_r_picmip | |||
ui_r_subdivisions | |||
ui_r_texturebits | |||
ui_r_texturemode | |||
ui_rate | |||
ui_restart | |||
ui_sensitivity | |||
ui_serverStatusTimeOut | |||
ui_showtooltips | ETMain | Client | Pop-up explanations on mouseover various options in the in-game menus. |
ui_singlePlayerActive | |||
ui_smallFont | |||
ui_team_fraglimit | |||
ui_team_friendly | |||
ui_team_timelimit | |||
ui_teamArenaFirstRun | |||
ui_teamAxis | |||
ui_userAlliedRespawnTime | |||
ui_userAxisRespawnTime | |||
ui_userTimeLimit | |||
ui_weaponMP | |||
unbind | ETMain | Client | For unassigning commands etc to a specified key. /unbind x |
unbindall | ETMain | Client | For unassigning all commands etc from ALL keys. /unbindall |
undoSpeaker | |||
unignore | |||
unlock | ETMain | Client | Reverses lock, allows other player’s to join your team |
unpause | ETMain | Client | For unpausing paused games. See pause, also team_nocontrols |
unready | ETMain | Client | Set’s player to ?unready” status, reverses ready |
updatehunkusage | |||
updatescreen | |||
URL | ETMain | Server | Appears to simply be a place to locate the server’s URL, RTCW 1.4 had a button to go |
Username | ETMain | Client | Stores the OS username in use (!) |
Version | ETMain | Both | Records all info about the ET version: build number, build date, win/linux etc |
vid_restart | ETMain | Client | Reloads the video/rendering etc, required for some cvar settings to take actual effect. |
vid_xpos | X axis offset for moving the game-screen around? | ||
vid_ypos | Y axis offset for moving the game-screen around? | ||
viewlog | ETMain | [C] | |
viewpos | ETMain | Client | Returns the coordinates of the player’s position in console. |
vm_cgame | |||
vm_game | |||
vm_ui | |||
vminfo | |||
vmprofile | |||
VoiceChat | ETMain | Client | See vsay |
VoiceFireTeamChat | ETMain | Client | For binding vsay’s to FireTeam members only |
VoiceTeamChat | ETMain | Client | See vsay_team |
vote | ETMain | Client | Cast your vote – \vote yes ; \vote no ; or bind F1 ?vote yes” |
vote_allow_antilag | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to toggle antilag. (vote settings) |
vote_allow_balancedteams | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to toggle balancedteam requirement. (vote settings) |
vote_allow_cointoss | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes for cointoss. (vote settings) |
vote_allow_comp | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to load ?comp” settings. (vote settings) |
vote_allow_config | ETPro | Server | Specify .config’s that can be loaded by vote. Set to ?” to disable or * to allow all |
vote_allow_friendlyfire | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to toggle friendlyfire. (vote settings) |
vote_allow_gametype | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to change gametype. (vote settings) |
vote_allow_kick | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to kick players (vote settings) |
vote_allow_map | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to change map. (vote settings) |
vote_allow_matchreset | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to reset match. See reset_match, vote settings |
vote_allow_mutespecs | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to mute spectators. (vote settings) |
vote_allow_muting | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to mute individual players. (vote settings) |
vote_allow_nextmap | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to skip to the next map in rotation. (vote settings) |
vote_allow_pub | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to load ?pub” settings. (vote settings) |
vote_allow_referee | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to assign someone as Ref. (vote settings) |
vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to shuffle teams. See shuffle_teams, vote settings |
vote_allow_surrender | ETPro | Server | Toggles allowing teams to call a vote to ?surrender” |
vote_allow_swapteams | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to swap teams. See swap_teams, vote settings |
vote_allow_timelimit | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to change the map timelimit. (vote settings) |
vote_allow_warmupdamage | ETMain | Server | Toggles allowing votes to toggle warmup damage. (vote settings) |
vote_limit | ETMain | Server | Set’s maximum number of votes allowed per map. (vote settings) |
vote_percent | ETMain | Server | Set’s the required % of all players needed to vote ?yes” for vote to pass. (detail) |
voteFlags | ETMain | Server | Non-user, I think this stores flag info for server info/server browsers etc? |
vsay | ETMain | Client | Prepend for issing global voice-chats, /vsay ftattack |
vsay_buddy | ETPro | Client | Vsays to fireteam members? |
vsay_team | ETMain | Client | Prepend for issung voice-chats to teammates, /vsay_team ftfallback |
vstr | ETMain | Both | Identifies what follows it as a variable string, used for scripting. |
wait | ETMain | Both | Tells ET to wait for the specified ticks before continuing, used for scripting. |
wav_record | ETMain | Client | Command to record .wav audio file (see wav_stoprecord, cl_wavefilerecord) [1.03] |
wav_stoprecord | ETMain | Client | Command to stop recording a .wav audio file [1.03] |
weapalt | ETMain | Client | Selects alternative use of currently selected weapon |
weaplastused | ETMain | Client | Selects the last weapon that was used |
weapnext | ETMain | Client | Selects the next weapon (scrolls through weaponbank) |
weapnextinbank | ETMain | Client | Selects the next weapon that player has? |
weapon | |||
weaponbank | ETMain | Client | Selects the specified weapon, /weaponbank 5 |
weaponstats | ETMain | Client | Gives your stats for each weapon (in console) |
weapprev | ETMain | Client | Selects the previous weapon (scrolls backwards through weaponbank) |
weapprevinbank | ETMain | Client | Selects the previous weapon the player has? |
where | |||
win_hinstance | |||
win_wndproc | |||
wm_ftsayPlayerClass | ETMain | Client | Vsay’s your class to fireteam? |
wm_sayPlayerClass | ETMain | Client | Vsays your class (to team?)? |
writeconfig | ETMain | Both | Saves all current settings to the specified file, if none specified then uses etconfig.cfg |
Wstats0 | ETMain | Client | Presumably has something to do with +wstats which SD seem to have broken? |
z_serverflags | |||
zoomin | ETMain | Client | Zooms further in with scoped weapons |
zoomout | ETMain | Client | Zooms further out with scoped weapons |
freecam | ETPro | Client | Enables extended-demo-viwer freecam? off/on |
freecamgetpos | ETPro | Client | Maybe gets the co-ordinates for freecamsetpos? |
freecamsetpos | ETPro | Client | Set co-ordinates for freecam (movie-making stuff) |
fs_basegame | ETMain | Both | Makes game use files from here aswell as current mod folder? Assumed for mods only |
fs_basepath | ETMain | Both | Holds the logical path to ET install folder |
fs_buildgame | ETMain | ||
fs_buildpath | ETMain | ||
fs_cdpath | ETMain | Both | Logical path to CDROM? Relic/obsolete. |
fs_copyfiles | |||
fs_debug | |||
fs_game | ETMain | Server | Sets the mod to load, used for startup command. |
fs_homepath | ETMain | Server | Sets the ?working folder”, used mainly when multiple servers running on one install |
fs_openedList | ETMain | Holds what .pk3’s are open / in ETMain or mod folder? Non-user | |
fs_referencedList | ETMain | Holds what .pk3s are referenced/loaded? Non-user | |
fs_restrict | ETMain | ||
g_alliedmapxp | ETMain | Server | Presumably stores how much XP the allied team have earned over the map? |
g_alliedmaxlives | ETMain | Server | Sets the maximum number of lives available to the Allied team |
g_alliedwins | ETMain | Server | Presumably stores the allied team’s wins for campaign map/deciding overall winner |
g_altStopwatchMode | ETMain | Server | Toggles ABAB stopwatch format instead of ABBA |
g_antilag | ETMain | Server | Toggles antilag, better for high ping players. Irrelevant with Etpro (players choose) |