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ET Tutorial Unpacked

Hello there,

from now in this sectron I will post over a dozen posts of ET Tutorial Pack made by great and experienced Wolf player – BossHK. He just created a huge tutorial for all ET players, especially newbies, but not only for.

Whole pack has about 1,1GB packed in .rar and when unpacked it got about 1,3GB. There’s much of content and high-quality videos, so it’s worth to download.

It has 10 folders in.

01. Introduction

02. Configuration file

03. Short Aiming Tutorial

04. Strafe-jumping

05. PunkBuster

06. Competitive ET

07. Communication

08. SL Rating

09. Sniper Tutorial

10. Extras

More about it you can read in ReadMe.txt file.


1,13gb(Whole pack):

OR if you have MegaUpload premium account, you can also download it here:

1mb   = ~3h 10min
2mb   = ~1h 35min
4mb   = ~0h 48min
8mb   = ~0h 24min
10mb  = ~0h 19min
24mb  = ~0h 8min
100mb = ~0h 2min

–    –    –    –    –    –    –    –

If you download it as two different parts, just put both parts to same folder(for example to Desktop) and start unpacking part1. It will automatically unpack both parts and result is same as unpacked 1 file.

700mb(Part 1):

1mb   = ~1h 58min
2mb   = ~0h 59min
4mb   = ~0h 30min
8mb   = ~0h 15min
10mb  = ~0h 12min
24mb  = ~0h 5min
100mb = ~0h 1min

460mb(Part 2):

1mb   = ~1h 16min
2mb   = ~0h 38min
4mb   = ~0h 19min
8mb   = ~0h 10min
10mb  = ~0h 8min
24mb  = ~0h 3min
100mb = ~under 1min

If download speeds are dropping down(like to ~10kb/s), pls try another source or try again later(since I’m posting this to many different forums at same time).

(c) BossHK 8/2010

I recommend two parts of Mega Upload. It downloaded really fast for me.

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