Well, firstly – what is that N!tmod? It’s really nice Wolfenstein: Enemy Terrtory Mod, which add a lot of interesting features. The newest version is creating right now.
We are now working on the last bugfixes before releasing 1.2 final (or 1.3 assuming there has been a lot of nightly builds for 1.2)
Some N!tmod features :
- Improved security (bug fixes, q3fill attacks protection, callvote bugfix, etc…)
- Lot of code optimizations
- HUGE Code cleanup!
- LUA Support
- Omnibot 0.71 Support
- ETPub map voting gametype
- New TDM Gametype
- Built in shrubbot sytem (including short commands !li !he !set etc.., greetings, greetings sounds)
- Forcecvar
- sv_cvar (still needs to be fixed)
- New weapons : MP5, Poison, Bomb
- Spree/Frag records database
- Light pk3 (around 3.33Mb)
- New body hitbox, not as large as before, more realistic. (can be enabled/disabled with g_realbody server cvar)
- ETPro realhead code (g_realhead)
- Lower memory/CPU usage (due to code optimizations and cleanup)
- Inactivity and Spectator inactivity
- Sprees/Multikills notifications
- Modified HUD
- 5 levels skills system
- Panzerwar & Sniperwar
- New awards : Most revives, Most Heals, Panzernoob, Highest damage, and more
- Adren, flakjacket, mines spotting, enemy recognition carries over (can toggle with a few cvars)
- Mortar, Panzer and Rifle Grenade cam
- Damageable explosives (aristrikes, hand grenades, smoke bombs, bombs, satchels)
- Modified scoreboard
- And much more, cant list everything…, download a nightly and read the documentation instead
Latest nightly builds can be found here.
Lua libs (required to use lua on your server, or even start Windows servers)
Official test server : (ET MultiVersion, 100Mbps)
Report any bugs. Give us your opinion, or new ideas.
Official forums : http://nitmod.ath.cx/ (Hosted on F|A forum)
Official Bug Tracker : http://fearless-assassins.com/forum/tracker/
Send me a PM, add me on Xfire (joyce975), or join our IRC Channel (#nitmod on irc.freenode.net) for any support.
Thanks for giving nitmod a try. We hope you like it
N!tmod 1.4 will be released in a few days !
Go test it !
Yeah it looks cool :P